Thanks, everyone for the great helpful advice. I do realize my lack of experience with lenses and was graciously saved from being a total klutz. The finalized AI conversion project will have to wait, 'though, until my long shaft Moody Policis set arrives from the States sometime in January.
Incidentally, with regard to the long shaft driver discussion, I also found this advantageous for gunsmithing, the tightening of small screws, scope mounts, etc. The flex in the longer shaft gives good and safe indication of tightening torque, short of ruining a screw head, or threads. Of course, for larger screws, a torque driver was also helpful. The correct tightening of stock mounting screws is indispensable to gun accuracy. In fact, some target rifle manufacturers publish their torque specifications. For others, it is trial by error - or just good feel, from experience.