A couple of questions for those that use NXStudio:
Where is there any option of semblance of a [Save] icon/button. Saves the Cntrl-S methodology every time I have a need for it. Not annoying but close to it.
Also, how to version a file? Versions appear at the bottom of the edit tools, but I see no way to create a version.
My version of Versions really only has an unusable greyed out button to click that with an arcane step saying "Apply Adjustment Steps". It cant' be clicked or anything. pretty much useless.
I edited an NEF(expendable file). Adjusted stuff randomly and obviously. Hoped to have an ability to see a version or something in the Versions tab. Zip!
Anyhow, after adjustments made, I saved as and over wrote the original NEF file. Made a few more edits again. now just did a save to overwrite the file yet again.
Went into Adjustment -> revert to original .. and back to original as stated it would do.
I have a small question, which may or may not be answerable by any here:
When I travel, I use a rather antiquated little "netbook" running Win 7, and because my cameras came with it and it's a little less dreadfully slow, I still have a copy of VNX-2 for basic raw operations. I know that VNX-i is said to overwrite it and have never installed it. I do have CNX-D on that and my other computers, and the two run together. I keep VNX-2 because it processes files differently, and for certain very basic operations its a little faster and simpler (the netbook is not just slow - it's glacial!).
So my question is, does anyone know whether the new NX Studio overwrites VNX-2? If so, can one reinstall VNX-2 without conflict? I know I can get used to not having it, but would be happy to keep it if possible.
Yes it does.(both View-NXi and Studio) overwrite and delete VNX2.
But it's no issue to reinstall VNX2 back onto the system again, it will install again with no problem .. and from my experience works without problem.
Only change to ViewNX2(and maybe not something to worry about) is that the Picture Control Utlility doesn't get installed(actually a good thing), as ViewNXi, CNXD and NXStudio all install the later version of the utility.
If you do use the PC utility, the link to it via VNX2 will still work and opens the latest version if you have any of the other Nikon software installed.
It is irritating that for every update of the software, VNX2 will always get uninstalled again. In effect you need a copy of the last version of VNX2 on your system for when you do an update to ViewNX-i and I assume same with Studio too.
I never used ViewNX-i just brief looksy to see what it can do, if it can do anything .. but never used it.
I rarely used CNX-D too. Every now and again tho .. more so to not feel all Jurassic tho rather than any need. Had plans to update camera and CNX2 may have been made a bit redundant. I did get the hang of CNXD to a degree, and it felt like home when CCPs made a return to Nikon software.
ViewNX2 is still my go too 'viewer' for any NEF files I upload to the PC.
Still faster than anything else I tried. FSViewer came nearly close when used in jpg-preview mode.
@ Ann.
No matter that you do or don't use Nikon Picture Controls(profiles) .. the fact is that you can't escape it. The camera uses Nikon's profiles.. ie Picture Controls.
This is a point that is inescapable. Only reason you believe that you don't use them is that you don't use Nikon software, but the NEF straight out of your camera has data in the exif that shows the Picture Control values set in the camera.
I used to use Picture Controls quite a bit years ago in the sense that you could easily create your own Picture Control with Nikons' software and upload it to the camera.
in terms of 'batch processing' this is a method that simply cannot be beaten for speed. Every image out of the camera would have been 'batch processed' to your requirements without the need for any batch processing software external to the camera.
Anyhow the point is moot ... we each have our own biases and prejudices and we stick with that no matter the alternatives.
But what would have been nice for Nikon to have catered for would be that the camera owner could have tweaked the Picture Control settings with more allowances and the ability to use other software's profiling results translated into Picture Control settings for transfer to the camera.
I think back to the film reversal silliness that Nikon introduced with the D850 and how it was limited to jpg shooting only. Why they(Nikon's software developers) diddn't use the Picture Control system for colour reversal beggars belief!
They instead chose to 'choke the cameras firmware' with a superfluous menu item that most people will never look at or use .. where they could have easily accounted for it in Picture Control memory banks that most users leave untouched!