These days of late have been simply awful: dark, extremely mild nowhere near or below the freezing point one should expect at the season, wet, bleak, negligible snow, sky is livid (in the alternate meaning of 'livid' as we use in botany, ie. lead-coloured) and blankets everything in a gloomy mood. Depression runs rampant in the community. No wonder the photography is afflicted as well.
The Cosina-Voigtländer 25mm f/4 Skopar S (Nikon RF mount) is a little gem and is perfectly and unobtrusively seated onto my PrimaLuce Z5. This scene on the parking lot when I went shopping today is typical for the current circumstances; all the wetness and gloom one might *not* wish for, all cars are grey or electric or both, and people are all masked-up. Yours truly included, which makes a hassle for shooting by the way.