I like Thom, and enjoy reading his musings.
Doesn't mean you have to agree with everything he says/writes tho.
As an example, Thom seems to think that Nikon(and more broadly camera makers) would either lose less sales, or potentially increase sales of products that 'connect' more readily to the flavour of the month social sites craze that the world is afflicted by.
I personally can't see it myself.
That is, by what metric would the current photo enthused person dump their smartphone and use a dedicated camera to shoot and upload the images instantly to instagram/facebook/whatever social site?
Also the 'buzz buzz' argument .. also can't see that as a plausible tactic to increase sales in any way.
It's not an uncommon situation for the photo geek to eventually upgrade from Dx to Fx, and getting 'stuck' with Dx only lenses has no long term future.
Been there, done that .. kind of regretted having spent money on Dx only lenses in a mild manner. Not totally tho, just that had I known after the fact, at an earlier(DX only) point .. I'd never have bought some of my Dx only lenses, only one was the Sigma 10-20 that I never regretted in any way.
But I think what'd be a more productive sales pitch by Nikon, is a return to the E series type sale pitch. Cheaper. Don't have to even be f/1.8 lenses .. f/2's and f/2.8's would be fine.
But $700 for a 'nifty fifty' for the Z mount ... doesn't equate to a very affordable system in total.
Where's the $200 lens for those that are 'interested' but not that interested. Being the best isn't a priority for everyone. Having the best also doesn't rate a mention for some of us.
Should be noted, I'm not rich by any measure. In fact I'm in the higher side of the poor end of the socio-economic scale .. for sure.
What available funds I do have tho, I spend on 'toys'. I'd say 50% of(not a lot) of my allowable income has been spent on photo related gear. Not counting the cameras themselves, 10% of that has been Nikon.
I've tried to tally up how much I've spent on all manner of accessories, primarily lenses, 99% thirdparty(and old obscure stuff) .. Nikon generally don't even rate a mention for me.
Nikon are either over the top financially or tech/user unfriendly. While I'm sure the 70-200/2.8 FL E is an awesome lens .. it's so far off my radar that I barely know it exists. SO again, I don't need the best, I'm only interested in good value for money.
But that doesn't mean only cheap stuff tho. 200-500 could have been in my bag too, but this is where the the techy/geeky side of their gear fails.
I went for the $1000 more expensive Sigma 150-600 lens primarily as it has the USB lens dock system as part of the overall system.
Having been bitten before with sub par Nikon products(80-200/2.8D), this is now a priority for me too. So where are their user settable geeky accessories?
Nikon are too self absorbed to notice what's happening in the world.
Any argument that Nikon lenses don't need 'lens docks' is BS too . many recent lens issues massively highlight why they DID and still DO need this kind of product range.
Had any Nikon exec even considered this as user problem that needed to be addressed?
Self absorbed is the only way to describe Nikon's current management mindset and product ethic.
This extends to software, accessories and products/engineering environment.
I'm convinced that Sony's full frame mirrorless success, is primarily due to the internet buzz that the keyboard warrior geek types have fostered over the lifetime of this camera.
The mindless mass consumer type .. the types that all bought into the good camera syndrome, then all gravitated back to the smartphone is good enough scenario don't care for forums/geeky techy stuff and so forth .. but they have to come from somewhere.
And if those that graduated from smartphone soccer mom school to geeky techy type photography scour the net for info, they read Sony A7, Sigma(and tamron) lens docks .. etc.
All they read about Nikon is boring, closed shop, no future, big heavy DSLR only, corporate morons(which they are) .. unfriendly customer satisfaction .. etc.
Great vignettes, I agree Nikon has to change -- not to be glitzy for the sake of it, but to be more customer-centric. ....
And this is my experience.
I've had bad experiences with Nikon corporate philosophy with some of my products. Met with resistance from my local Nikon (Aus) people. Issue with the 80-200/2.8 D and then the D800E(the 10 pin port).
Both obvious issues that were product fails, not user related.
80-200 issue, all I wanted was it to be tweaked so that it didn't backfocus. All they bothered about was it was out of warranty. I never asked about warranty. Not a customer focused ideology in sight!.
To the customer this reeks of liability avoidance on their part. I never brought the issue up, and was more than happy to have the lens work properly and pay for it. My instinct went with avoid the idiots as all they'[re interested in was not having to pay for the issue inherent in their product! Fail No. 1
Fail No. 2 was the 10 pin port on my D800E fell into the body, ie. came loose and no longer usable. Via email, all I got was that there was no recurring issue, and that it'd have to be assessed on a case by case basis. I know exactly what the outcome would be(in that I'd have to pay). Moron contact couldn't give me an estimate time and price. JUST REPLACE the 10 pin port .. how much? I wasn't asking for his personal bank data ... for crying out loud.
Couldn't give me an estimate as it needed to be examined!
I then replied I want nothing other than to replace the 10 pin port. . no service, no SLA, no examination .. NOTHING! .. just how much to replace the 10 pin port(even tho it was a week out of warranty) .. I'm happy to pay.
Sorry can't help.
ps,. I searched the net and found many cases of fallen in D800 10 pin ports on the net, and even a claim from Nikon Germany that it was an issue and would be fixed if out of warranty too.
I posted this info to the moron Nikon person I was emailing and it stopped there.
Nikon : customer centric .. two mutually exclusive terms .. and never the twain shall meet!
And just now, I read on DPR that Canon's new 70-200/2.8 RF lens is backfocusing in some instances. Could well be only a small handful of vocal keyboard warriors doing the shouting, but Canon's response was swift and precise!
They investigating, have found a possible issue and will be releasing a firmware update ASAP.
Contrast that with historical Nikon issues .. lenses, camera bodies whatever else. Nikon have always resisted use issues, as they have this self centric corporate mentality.
THAT's what Nikon's issue is.
I'm a bit of a masochist, and I'll endure morons(like Nikon) with my own workarounds .. eg. I buy lenses from companies that have even a small amount of customer focused spirit in them .. ie. the lens dock. If a problem is found, download the firmware, connect lens, presto!
If Nikon don't address the customer focused problem, they will continue to lose sales. I used to be a vocal Nikon proponent myself. I may have been an insignificant amount of noise on the net for them, but I know I've influenced some new to photography types directly.
Now my noise is more about the corporate ideology, and how bad it is(my experience) .. and I know there are others .. and it all adds up. New to photography types pretty much ALL use the net to find more info to help themselves, and for Nikon(who are too stupid to see this) .. ignore it!
Any more stupid own goals from Nikon(in terms of camera) and I'm out. I won't take any more camera body stuff ups at a personal level. Was going to buy a D850 and possibly a Z6 or 7 this year, but finances took a smashing this year(out of work). So maybe will next year if I can get back on my financial feet. But it may be some other newer/better model that they release in the interim. Probably won't ever buy a Nikon lens ever again .. to many better value for money alternatives to waste it on Nikon.