I am back, after a near disaster...
Shortly after returning from the holidays I did something stupid (in fact, a series of reckless actions - what was I thinking?!) and made unreadable the disk where I had the last 8 months of images.
No backups available, thanks to my stupidity.
Fast forward, I invested in a data recovery software, which did its job (it took a while).
After the cleanup, I am now back in business and able to post a few more (to be continued in the next few days)
1. Early morning sailboat
2. Trail up to Monte Monaco - east side
3. Further up the path
4. I don't know what gave this plant this odd colour, but I like it.
5. Reached the ridge, west viwe to Monte Incudine (Incudine = Anvil)
6. A wider view from nearly the same place.
7. More awesome views and odd-coloured plants
8. San Vito from the top of Monte Monaco
9. Zoom into the beach
10. Looking back toward the higher summit on the ridge that terminates with Monte Monaco