I remember how I was wrong about higher Megapixels when the D3X (24MP) came out. I already had some trouble with my new higher resolution lens AF-S 60mm Macro and the D3, needing 1/200 of a second to gain critically sharp shots handheld. I thought: for 24 Megapixels I will need 1/500 of a second. But then, in 2011 with the D7000 and more in 2013 with the D600, I learned I have to apply better shooting technique, more practice and multiple shots at the same settings or BKT to secure critically sharp shots with the higher pixel density cameras.
The results I got with the D800E were stunning when I had a lot of light, but focussing was hard manually, esp with the super high res on my Sinar Setup. Also the files had some rough and technical feel on the pixel level just like the D7000 files that required a lot of post processing which I did not like, while the D600 files only needed a little RAW conversion to be ready for delivery. I could even take the JPEGs in many cases and I do not have to drop dead if I accidentialy switched quality from RAW to "JPEG Fine L" which happens ... The D810 has much nicer files, very similar in character to the D600 ... but not worth the upgrade in my book.
The D500 has a significantly higher pixel density than the D600 and I see that I learned in the last 3 years how to tackle that problem, So I guess I am now ready for the fifth generation High Desity Camera.
More for the wish list: