I think there is a lot of misunderstanding about what the Crew* is attempting to do here. I truly do not think that anyone should take this personally. There is
no intent for censorship or insult. The Crew is simply trying to think ahead about the greater good of the forum. So let's all
contribute to the discussion
without accusations or anger. And remember that we are a multi-lingual group attempting to use English as a common language. Thank you.
Now -- about these blog-like topics. I've been thinking this through.
When we have blog topics where
multiple members contribute
multiple photos per day, that topic soon eats up server space and bandwidth. Your multiple contributions are
lost when placed in such threads because they cannot be searched out either by name or by topic title. Your contributions are worth more to Nikongear than that! However, the Crew is still willing to let you have a multiple contributor topic, but it must be subject to some curation to keep the length under control. There is nothing objectionable about attempting to control server costs for a non-profit forum. Nobody here is getting paid to run this forum. We are all volunteers.
And -- about submission quality. I've been thinking this through also.
The Theme topics ( which feature a maximum of one contribution per day per person) are successful and popular because the Theme of the submission is well-defined. The length of Theme topics is self-regulating. And the quality of Theme topics is self-regulating because nobody wants to post bad photos to a Theme thread, only their good ones. And photographs may be searched for based on the Theme title.
Threads started by an individual member such as Image-a-Day or Image-a-Week are successful and popular because the Contributor is curating their own submissions for quality. Sifting through one's own work to find and present the
best of it in a Portolio setting is a task which contributes to our photographic growth. And naturally the length of IaD or IaW topics is self-regulating.
Now -- after you think about server space, bandwidth, photos getting "lost" in long threads, working in Theme mode, working in Portfolio mode AND, finally, Presentation of your Best Work, please contribute some thoughts on how the Crew can best regulate blog-like topics which feature multiple-contributors-of-multiple-photos.*I'm Boffin, not Crew.