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More subtle is the following: Try to adjoin with the perfect griping position, m,ake the person feel she or he can just grab (and wants to grab). It is all about walking round the subject and finding the right height and distance.
That's a clever suggestion ! I will try it in the future.As for the lighting, I have noticed that is uneven. I may need some white screan to improve lighting.About the messy BG, I didn't want to crop the image, but I should probably have done it. Cheers, Francis.
Hi Francis, those look great - any chance you could deliver to the UK?!
Very quick & dirty....are you left handed?For a right handed person #1 looks much more inviting, for a left handed person #2 & I did some tonality plus cropping to make it more appealing in my eyes.What do you think?
BjørnJ:Thank you for raising the bar!!!