Jørgen, thanks to this thread I not only discovered more D40X cameras in my possession than I had expected - also found an epiphany that the "full-spectrum" D40x will allow me to emulate the false colour rendition of IE 2443 Ektachrome at least as well as by using the Fuji S3 Pro. Now, that is excellent news because processing the RAFs from the Fuji is a nightmare since almost no software will deal with them, and among the very few that do, even fewer pay attention to the peculiar S-R pixel structure of the Fuji sensor.
In contrast, ASP 2.4 allows me a quick and easy processing of the D40X NEFs. If extra sharpness is required, I can do a parallel processing in PhotoNinja and merge the results later.
It does not matter really that there is no GPS with the D40x as the Fuji also lacks this feature and has to be synchronised with a GPS logger anyway. Between having files that allow me proper false-colour emulation, and a camera with GPS (D5300) but restricted false-colour support, I take the first option any day. That is of course if I'm in false-colour IR mode of operation, so the D5300 still goes strong on its own.