I like the noise of the shutter as not only I have been used to it long ago...............But it does help coordinate visual and audible senses when shooting in cont mode speed and even in single mode as it is an audible confirmation to anticipate the shot or to confirm the shot
In many instances when shooting in darkness you can tell whether you are falling low on the shutter speed simply by hearing as too busy concentrating on the shot and not the camera settings. Add to that, when you are shooting in tandem with another photographer, you can hear his shutter and hence you know that you are covered if you missed the shot and you know if he is in cont mode or single mode.......It all adds up to the shoot.
I would not want a silent shutter and have no need for it. It will just throw me off balance........
I do not shoot in silent locations and when I do, it is probably with a longish lens far from the action and they cannot hear the camera, only the people close to you can hear it. I also do not shoot wildlife so no problem in disturbing or ruining the shot.
Political correctness with your shutter noise or securing the shot?
Your camera, your photographs, your choice