I have a D7500 and have been waffling back and forth between processing RAW and JPEG files. I tend to agree with Hogan, at least in the D7500 guide he publishes, that in his opinion Nikon has matrix metering designed to not blow highlights. And this makes me want to agree with Ann that Matrix metering might work best with JPEGS, especially with Active D-Lighting set to Auto. It makes sense to me that the metering avoids blowing the highlights, and ADL then expands the dynamic range, for JPEG files. Nikon's Auto mode, and all the scene modes are set up with Matrix and Auto ADL.
I only use the center focus point, and with matrix metering I will re-compose, but I never lock exposure (with matrix), and my experience is that the camera then meters on the final scene when I press the shutter release. The idea that the focus point can change how matrix meters is a surprise to me because my understanding is matrix exposes on the entire frame, I did not know there could be any emphasis determined by the focus point. I thought only spot metering metered on a focus point.