hello Massimo, I guess you have to work on your calculation again. Averages tend not to be lower than the lowest of the values you average.
11.000 + 7000 = 18000
half of which is 9000
plus: US Value is without VAT, the others include VAT
Where is the 11000 coming from?
Francis had made an estimate of 4000 to 7000 euros
LOW estimate=4000
HIGH estimate=7000
And you tell me that the average is 9000? (2000 above the high estimate!)
I stand on my 5500 = 11000 / 2
There is no VAT in the US as we have in Europe, maybe sales tax (2% up to 10%)
Add 8% sales tax? OK that puts Francis in 4th place with 5355.72€
You still win the trip to Mars
Ciao from Massimo