Even after all this time, I'm still not 100% convinced that CNX-D was the ideal path for Nikon to take. CNX3 would have made more sense .. anyhow
There seems to be a very small distortion associated with the lens too.
EXIF/makernotes don't seem to display it, but distortion control was activated on the file in CNX-D. Made a very very small difference to geometry of the image switching on and off .. and the reason for my distrust of CNX-D
Whilst clicking distortion control on and off, I also noted a huge colour change in the image. Like it went from Portrait to Vivid(or Landscape) and or a WB change.
Models skin changed to a warmer rendering .. nothing else played with other than the tick box for distortion. Very strange.
Anyhow, Erics comment re slight green on right eye .. easy fix in CNX-D with the activation of the axial color aberration(from off to on) .. default setting is 50(not touched) .. just clicked on. fixed.
(image converted in CNX-D).
Only edit was to the axial color aberration in CNX-D. Distortion was left at on(as shot).
Like Birna said .. insanely sharp considering wide open and such a wide aperture. For some reason, the online jpg doesn't render anywhere near as sharp as on the PC too.
By default, portrait only uses a low sharpening routine, and fairly coarse at that. Setting sharpening to (say) 4 instead, renders even more pop in the sharp areas of detail. tweaking even more reveals even more again. Very good .. in face insane!