I wanted to take a picture of my microphone. I was curious how well the Z7/35S combo would capture the texture of the velvet sleeve the microphone wears when not in use. I took a picture and the result was photo number 1.
I didn’t understand why the camera rendered the scene so bizarrely. I took a couple of more snaps and the issue became almost totally washed out by this interference. See photo number 2. (While concerned at the time by what was causing this problem, I was somewhat attracted to this second image for its outré strangeness)
Anyway, after turning off the camera, taking out the battery ( etc.) and testing it by using it satisfactorily in other rooms, I figured that there was some sort of electronic interference because of all the electronica in my man cave. I put the computer to sleep, turned off the lamp on my desk, but the problem persisted. Finally, I turned off the printer and the problem went away. While I hardwire the printer to the computer, when I set it up I must have left the wifi connection active and it clearly fouls up the Z7.
So, I took picture number 3 and am amazed how well it looks in a room with only northern light on a rainy, cloudy day. It was taken at iso 3200; 1/13th of a second, f/4 and handheld. f/4 was chosen to get some depth of field, The focus is on the bottom flap of the sleeve. I like the sharpness, color and bokeh, and the pronounced blown highlights kinda work for me.
Most importantly, it captured the velvet texture to my satisfaction!
In the pursuit of some sort of standardization, all photos are undefiled by post production except to convert the raw files to jpegs using Capture NX-D.