Beware "Legs all extend properly but are a bit stiff."
That may mean deformed top tubes and/or multiple bent leg sections.
I hope Arthur doesn't mind me hijacking his thread...
Good point Keith, hadn't thought of bent or deformed leg tubes. That doesn't phase me too much, straightening and re-forming the legs is a challenge I would enjoy.
What's of more concern and I only just spotted it under the tape, is: "Top hinge of one leg repaired with piece of metal." A bit of sheet steel cobbled together and wrapped with insulating tape. The top casting has been broken. Won't weld because the broken off bits will be missing so will need to machine a complete new top hinge, similar challenge to my broken Benbo hinge.
For 99.9% of photographers this is scrap, for me it's an interesting challenge. Guessing the legs may have bent when the top hinge was broken. I can (just about, at the moment) afford £32 for a lathe project with the prospect of a nice old Gitzo tripod at the end of it. Can't see me using the rising column, as Birna remarks, extended columns don't lead to rigidity and rigidity is what I am after. I am assuming the column will remove and leave a ball levelling base?
I have a different task in mind for the sturdy looking column... Mmmm.