Longzoom, Thanks for your idea about the 'hydroponic press'. I have a pneumatic press, which would not work exactly the same, but decided to use a lower tech method. A rubber mallet.
After spending a lot of time testing the filter adhesive with various solvents, I found nothing that softened the adhesive, which I was surprised about given the list of solvents I tried:
Toluene, Acetone, Methylene Chloride (DMC), Methanol, Lacquer Thinner, etc....
I would really like to know the exact adhesive used for those filters, if anyone knows.
Teflon sheet, with 7/8" hole (slightly larger than filters).
1/2" socket set socket (this fit inside the filter hole, has a flat large surface contact area, almost fills up the hole, but leaves enough edge room for the PEC padding).
Wooden dowel inserted into front of socket (flat back of socket was facing filter).
PEC pad (double folded for cushion, was placed between flat back of socket and filter glass)
Rubber mallet.
The idea of the rubber mallet is a softened strike with a positive drive. PEC pad protects the glass surface from scratching.
Filter was aligned over Teflon hole, and 'WHAM', filter falls right out.
Not guaranteed to work, or to work without breaking your filters, but none of mine broke, cracked, or chipped at all.
At least two of my filters were not subjected to any solvent tests, and they all came out just as easy.