Thomas, I make filters, any size, any thickness, so that is no problem, but I am not sure how to remove the glue, without also removing the paint, etc..
One possible idea would be to mount gel filters over some of the colored longpass filters.
For example, mount a Wratten 89B (720nm) or Wratten 87C (850nm) over one of the colored filters. There is enough clearance to do that (I think).
Those glass revolver filters are all just longpass filters and transmit IR, so stacking IR gel filters will cut out the visual and still transmit the IR that the gel filter transmits.
Not sure how that would work optically compared to the visual results using this lens, but a test of this idea would be interesting.
This idea can also leave the clear filter available for visual stock camera shots, and any of the other filters that one might want to use.
I would still like to find a way to remove the glue, but... for now... ?