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Befitting the focal length of this lens, this thread somehow stopped on page 19. Does it have to?I have the Samyang 24mm T/S which is a nice lens, but I have been looking out for this lens since it was released. Recently, I was lucky to 'inherit' Erik's copy. Today I finally got a chance to test it and take some architectural test shots. It behaves exactly as expected or better; sharp, contrasty, brilliant colors, very little distortion, very good rendering of highlights. Also extremely nice ergonomics, the knobs feel solid and precise, much more than on the Samyang. The custom tripod collar by Erik adds to the versatility by allowing lens movements with stationary entrance pupil. I strongly recommend to get one if you have this lens and haven't already. I'm looking forward to using this lens on both natural and architectural subjects in the future.What have you guys (those that own the lens) been up to? Does anyone have some nice photographs to share?A few shots from tonight on the Z6. These are simple in-camera conversions, no fancy pp at all.I already posted this image in another thread, but I'll put it here as an example on a 'natural' subject. I used a forward left swing to get the flowers in focus front-to-back, plus some fall, but I'll
Nice to see you are happy with the lens and put it to good use!Thank you
With such a car you are probably allowed to park everywhere?Hotel looks in same class as Bayerischer Hof?I have always wanted to stay there for a couple of nights :-)But at the end I would rather have a new lens.....
Just had only my 19mm and 85mm PC lenses in Arizona this week. Both quite useful for showing the correct perspective deapth and height of cliffs and natural formations. Also quite useful for getting everything in focus to isolate a single plant or Rock yet keep it all in focus and unblurred even though it has been abnormally windy
Some samples from Paul Klee Zentrum in Bern this evening. Both are shifted up and shot on the Z6 in the native 16:9 mode: