Thanks everybody. Dogs are great.
Moi and B. Lachman
Venice, California
Nikon F, Tri-X
I went back and forth trying to decide tn posting this or not post this, for the obvious reasons. I finally went with post largely because of the camera. The faithful Nikon F around my neck. What a great camera, simple, solid and dependable. As camera get increasingly complex, for me it is hard to get an attachment. The story here, is the LA Times Biking and Dining Society. The Chief photog would organized bike rides for company people. The guy on the right is Bob Lachman, another Times photographer. This ride was in the Venice/Playa del Mar area of Los Angeles. I was really into cycling back then. I lived a block from the beach and rode handmade racing bike along the beach bikepath practically day. Recently, I've had my old racing bike restored ... it is still a beautiful bike.