Author Topic: I AM Fuji  (Read 11653 times)


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I AM Fuji
« on: March 18, 2016, 15:41:14 »
I must be...I'm back for the third! time...
X-T10 and soon the 35/2. Lovely little things  ;D

Jan Anne

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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2016, 16:03:53 »
Hard to keep track of your gear choices Sten ;D

What made you decide to give Fuji a third try, why the T10 and not the x pro2?
Jan Anne


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 16:09:09 »
Is it Nikon + Fujifilm now?

Fujifilm with "analogue" controls is probably by far the mirrorless option that's closest to Nikon in operation right now.

Sten, can you say anything about Fujinon vs Nikkor lenses? What are the similarities or differences in colour and rendering?


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2016, 16:56:36 »
Hard to keep track of your gear choices Sten ;D

What made you decide to give Fuji a third try, why the T10 and not the x pro2?

I kno...but it's fun!
I had a D750 which never seemed to work correctly. Been to the Nikon repair facilities twice and still no cigar so I gave up and thought three time's a charm. Am thrilled over the little T10. The Pro2 is too expensive. And now I have two 16mp cameras (df and T10). With an adapter I can use all Nikons on the T10.

Mike G

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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2016, 17:03:13 »
As a recent convert to a Fuji X-T1, and now various Fujinon lenses having PXed my big heavy Nikon glass. I am full of admiration for the Fuji glass albeit with very limited experience so sadly I'm not in a position to compare the two brands!

As a subjective opinion the Fuji lenses to my non expert eyes have a more pleasing rendition of colours!

My fuji experience is just beginning, needless to say there is lots to learn!

Sten, I would be interested in which lens adapter you are using?

Frank Fremerey

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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2016, 17:58:10 »
Oh. Sten. Keep both in different cupboards. So you can switch any time...
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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2016, 19:00:34 »
I have had Fuji(w/ 2 lenses) for over 2.5 years, and Nikon forever, but I could not give an impression of the color rendition between the two brands of lenses because the color[and general tonal] rendition of the two different sensor types is so different.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2016, 19:08:18 »
I kno...but it's fun!
I had a D750 which never seemed to work correctly. Been to the Nikon repair facilities twice and still no cigar so I gave up and thought three time's a charm. Am thrilled over the little T10. The Pro2 is too expensive. And now I have two 16mp cameras (df and T10). With an adapter I can use all Nikons on the T10.

Having been straying from Nikon DX to Olympus to Panasonic to the current Nikon FX within the past several months, I can share your fun.   :o :o :o

My D750 is the first Nikon body in some years that worked flawlessly and (finally) with the reliable AF.  I've never got around to Fuji although I've taken various bodies on my hands at the stores, but hope you enjoy your new purchase!
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Frank Fremerey

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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2016, 19:55:36 »
I have had Fuji(w/ 2 lenses) for over 2.5 years, and Nikon forever, but I could not give an impression of the color rendition between the two brands of lenses because the color[and general tonal] rendition of the two different sensor types is so different.

I had that in the beginning, then worked through Andrea's and Bjørn's Photo Ninja Tutorial.

After Calibration and workflow adaptation I had my consistent colors as planned.

So if you see series of me currently, you will see D600, D3 and X100T all mixed up and you can only guess by the rendering characteristics of the lenses I use which is wich.
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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 20:41:21 »
So Sten, what is next?
Hope you enjoy you new camera. Any good pictures to show yet?
I am also living with Fuji + adapted Nikkors, mostly, and thoroughly enjoying it.

Mike G

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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 21:03:04 »
Olivier, may I ask which lens adapted you are using?


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 22:07:35 »
Hi Mike, I am actually using all my Nikon lenses.
In that order approximately, from the most the the least used one:
105mm f/2.5 AIS
AF-D 50mm f/1.4 (of course in manual focus)
75-150mm f/3.5 Series E
Fisheye 16mm f/2.8 AI
28mm f/2 AI
Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens, a great lens that I should try more often especially since it is very easy to MF.
All with or without a Lens Turbo II focal reducer (especially the 105mm).
I also have a Helios 44-2 (58mm f/2), a fun lens wich can render surprising oof backgrounds...

For general use, the Fujinon 18-55mm is very satisfactory.
I will most likely add a Samyang 12mm f/2 in Fuji mount for astrophotography this summer in the mountains.


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2016, 23:02:40 »
Is it Nikon + Fujifilm now?

Fujifilm with "analogue" controls is probably by far the mirrorless option that's closest to Nikon in operation right now.

Sten, can you say anything about Fujinon vs Nikkor lenses? What are the similarities or differences in colour and rendering?

It is...and it will stay like that. Cannot comment on differences in color and rendering yet. Will try and compare this when time allows.
Meanwhile, here are my two to-go cameras:


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2016, 23:03:44 »
As a recent convert to a Fuji X-T1, and now various Fujinon lenses having PXed my big heavy Nikon glass. I am full of admiration for the Fuji glass albeit with very limited experience so sadly I'm not in a position to compare the two brands!

As a subjective opinion the Fuji lenses to my non expert eyes have a more pleasing rendition of colours!

My fuji experience is just beginning, needless to say there is lots to learn!

Sten, I would be interested in which lens adapter you are using?

I have this for the time being:


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Re: I AM Fuji
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2016, 23:05:44 »
So Sten, what is next?
Hope you enjoy you new camera. Any good pictures to show yet?
I am also living with Fuji + adapted Nikkors, mostly, and thoroughly enjoying it.

I got my 35/1.4 today and the trio 14/2.8, 56/1.2 and 90/2 would make me smile. Pics will arrive as soon as I get out and about. Yep, nice combo it is - the F&N.