Great new additions, very much to my liking
Paco, that a nice one with the yellow lines and the ship-shape wooden pavement. Lools like 2 layers, the yellow line part of a bigger one.
Fons, yours all carry a nice color addon. The second 'red dot' one stands out, it would possibly go as abstract as well.
Bruno, that's a new variation of the wood pile we did not have so far. Nice. It makes me think there mast be more differet ones out there.
Joost, are these tiles? With water drops? Compelling shot for the theme, like it as well. I'm wondering where you took the second one? I know of a parking garage in Cologne where the driveway tower has such a roof. The ordered doorbells are new to this thread - nice addition.
Matthew, that nice 'everyday' stairs, well layered with the shadows. The framing is to my taste as well.
John, great find in the last one. Some structure and pattern brake and an enormous amount of detail.
One from the Maastricht event:
'put the knobs in XYZ'