Mongo thanks you all for the warm welcome.
Elsa, sorry to disappoint but as you can see, Mongo only ever exists in the third person - but what's in a person ?? Hopefully, it will not be an issue. We truly only speak through our photography anyway .
Mongo looks forward to the future on this site with you all
No disrespect meant - but disappointment isn't what comes to mind. I don't see the point of existing in the third person at all. I find it unnecessary and irritating. Sorry but that is how I feel. I didn't even do that when I was 12. I don't care if you want to be addressed as Mongo, although it would be really nice to have your real name displayed like the other members. Getting to know one another on some level, builds a community, I can't build a relationship with a "third person". But then again I am not that important anyway.
Of course there might be a valid reason for not revealing your real name - that part I could respect - absolutely - ( I mean if you were the head indian chief at Canon or something)
Why not just be Mongo and get on with being yourself? It would be really nice.
If the forums are all about photography - I don't get why it is so important to be the third...
We speak in words- as people who love photography. If we only spoke through images, there would be no need to comment on images. If that was the case - Bjørn could have activated the LIKE button
(and I know he would just HATE that!)