As fascinated I've always been with the moon I really don't have that many decent shots of it, and as I saw this thread earlier today I thought I had to through in a few pictures too. This picture I were out 15 minutes ago trying to capture, but din't succeed in any way of its making. The camera was a D3S and a borrowed 500mm f5.6 mirror lens coupled with two TC 20E III so it would become a 2000mm f/22. Firstly, I try not to swear whenever I can, I hate swearing, but as my lousy piece of shitty tripod and head of a making I will NEVER EVER be dumb enough to buy again, namely Manfrotto, was tilting as hell when I tried to screw it in place when the moon were in position and the camera was moving down when screwed tight as it could be, I WERE swearing like a devil myself, so I really din't have a bit of a chance of having a focused shot as the head kept tilting so that the moon kept moving under the frame until I didn't see it at all... I've had this issue many times before but it's of course not as obvious with a 14mm as it is with a 2000mm... Although it has ruined severely many LE images for me in the past I still haven't been smart enough to save up the money to a real tripod. (The motivation of saving money for a really good tripod and head is really fading away in time as it'll cost me more than much of my gear do together...) But nevertheless, I have to show you the image, cropped just a tiny bit in the upper part to make the composition more balanced.
I do know the Russian mirror tele I'm borrowing isn't of the greatest out there, after all it's a Mirror tele and it's from a third part which I even don't know the name of, but I know I can blame the tripod in this situation, that and that I only had a 1/40 sec on 6400 iso. (Actually I don't understand what happened because when I looked through the viewfinder I had a lot faster exposure time than 1/40 sec, so it wasn't before a few minutes ago when I looked at the images taken that I saw they all had a lot slower exposure time than 1/40 and 1/60's sec. (And, just so you all know I always, on almost all of my pictures use MUP and than I'll wait some seconds for the camera to really stabilise as much as it can..) BUT NEVERTHELESS, here's my lousy shot of tonights moon...: