Current Lineup:
D750 with the D700 as a backup.
D300 is used by the wife for PJ shots.
D200 went to my mom.
D70, 2*F100, 2*F801s and F601 where used in the past.
For me the D750 has a bit smallish buffer, a slightly annoying AF button placement (I tend to touch the AF selector disk with the side of by thumb) and misses the built in viewfinder cover, but apart from that it is a seriously nice camera.
The small buffer issue can be mitigated a bit by switching to 12bit lossy compression, which still delivers more than 14 bits on the D700 and one really has to push the files hard to see the difference. I use the U1/U2 settings to switch between regular shooting at 14bits and action at 12bits (the also switches the initial AF settings).
In contrast to the D700 silent enough to shoot
A Capella concerts, and a significantly higher DR than what I was used to from the D700, so pulling up shadows is extremely easy.
Shooting concerts at ISO3200 still allows me to pull up shadows a bit with noise that is manageable or at least not to painful too look at.
Works with my large hands (but as usual I need a grip, third party in this case as Nikon took half a year to deliver). The deeper grip actually makes it easer to have it hanging loosely in my hand compared to the wider grip of the D700. Still mulling over getting a hand strip as a regular camera strip is often a burden.
Thanks to some silly circumstances I am still not using the D750 as much as I should ;--(