Well I was asking myself about the possible pricing- but 16-17k? did not expect that (UPDATE - and it is in no way confirmed)
that would be in the range of the F-mount AF-S 800/5,6 and beyond the newly presentet 400/2,8 Z-mount with all sorts of new glass
and it confuse sme a bit, as I have considered PF lenses as compact lightweight designs with high image quality that comes close to faster and heavier sisters but with compromises regarding not so good bokeh ...
This 800 PF appears to have the size
So far Nikon and canon had 800/5,6 lenses alternately, now canon came for RG with 600 and 800/11 and will provide 800/5,6 and 1200/8 (mirrorless gives new optoins for not so fast lenses) and Nikon adds the 800/6,3 with the same price as the current 5,6
I think I am going to stick with F-mount teles for the near to midterm future
BTW The Nikon 800/5,6 is a very fine lens with probably the best teleconverter existing as companion. It also shares a lot of common desigh with 400/2,8 FL (same lens shade same front lens diameter and same form of the front part)