I just uploaded a dozen or so NEF(s) to this MAC using Nikon Transfer 2 v2.13.7 (c) 2019 with XMP/IPCT data added and an *.nksc file was created for each so no more embedding XMP/IPCT data directly into the NEF while transferred with Nikon Transfer, only sidecars.
My version of Transfer is 2.14.0(on Windows) and it still embeds the IPTC/Keyword data into the NEF.
My guess is that it could (possibly)be a operating system thing! .. or (more likely??) it could have something to do with the codec installed onto the OS.
I've pretty much always installed the latest version of Nikon's codec if I get a newer camera. Have you installed the Nikon NEF codec? Is one available for MacOSes?
I added a few keywords and a description to an NEF in ViewNX-i. I can't find a way by reading the menus in ViewNX-i to search folders for images with these keywords. I tried ViewNX-i help, nothing. I've searched online for tutorials and only find the bare essentials regarding ViewNX-i. Given what I've found so far adding keywords to an NEF (well it's sidecar file) is a total waste of time.
If all I have is ViewNX-i, Capture NX-D and finder on this MAC what is the value of adding keywords and or a description?
I'd say zero.. unless Studio can do something with those same sidecar files in the future. For now tho, nothing.
On Windows(sorry can't help with Mac), I know it works, and it works very well .. until it doesn't work very well! .. a bit more on this later)
If you have a Windows PC that you can work with, I'd say give it a try .. even for your D850 NEFs. Why, is that even with the extremely lowly Nikon ViewNX2, you can still embed ITPC data directly into the NEF. Once in the NEF and saved that way, no matter what software you choose to 'search' with, it will see the keywording you just added.
I'm going to upload some screenshots to show you how easy and simple it all is.
I mentioned before that you need the NEF codec from Nikon. Once installed(DON'T!!! use the Windows/Microsoft version of "all camera codecs" .. it doesn't work. You only need the version of Nikon's latest CODEC for your camera. If you require later version of the codec for later model cameras, then that's your choice too, and it still works. Later codec works on earlier cameras.
eg. I don't have a D850 camera, so don't need it. But for the sake of testing, I still download(not always install tho) this codec. Small file, so all archived for when things may go bang! .. and they can.
So using ViewNX2 .. noting that support for VNX2 ceased well before the D850 was released, and even just prior to the D810 too. So technically, ViewNX2 should not support neither the D850, nor the D810 .. let alone any of the Z model Nikons. But it does .. to a degree. This is where the codec comes into the equation.
If you install the NEF codec, VNX2 then uses the codec which allows you to view and edit rating and ITPC data only. Will not allow editing of the NEF file from those 'unsupported' cameras.
(this is not a worry for me as VNX2 is a terrible 'editor' for images. Far too basic, and pretty much useless. I wouldn't use it on JPGS either. All it offers as an advantage is that it's the easiest software to batch edit very simple stuff like WB or Picture Control or whatever, and the handiest software to add keyword and rating data INTO and NEF(if you prefer it that way).
I have rated and added Keyword data into cameras like the D850 and Z6 and Z7, not any cameras later than those two yet, but I suspect that if the latest codec was installed into Windows, it will still work.
So I download test files(of cameras I don't own) and test to see how it works .. and it works. If you try any of this, don't forget to save the file too.
I've never found any Nikon software to search for keyword data. Adding Keyword data via VNX2 is trivial, but has to be said can sometimes be annoying with a small bug that I cannot seem to eliminate. Ratings also easy to do .. then save NEF.
Note: the D850 NEF was downloaded from DPR. screencap of VNX2 with the D850 file open in NEF view mode. Note on the right hand side the keyword data added into ITPC area. The top three keywords were added when the D850 was a new model and DPR had the sample files for download .. however many years ago that was. The fourth keyword tag was added this morning as I typed this reply .. just to be sure it still works(which it does).
This is the sometimes useless, although most often useful Windows Photo Gallery.
Note the LHS column where each keyword is listed. You can also 'search' for a keyword, but I normally don't. My searches are 99.9% directly in Windows searching facilities(depending on what I have open at the time. That is, if the question is posed I simply use the desktop search tool in the toolbar, and it locates any file with that search term.
If I have a Windows Explorer(same as Finder I guess) I type that into the upper RHS corner search bar in the file explorer window for the folder I need to search(more focused searching).
In Photo Gallery(WPG) it's there on the LHS column. The RHS column keyword is where you add or edit the tag data already in the file. The predictive component of this add/edit section is nice to have access too, especially if you do similar but slightly different tags.
The beauty of the 'system' is that between these Windows software(s) and Nikon's software(that actually helps in some way) is that there is a small degree of symbiosis. I can 'group' some tag data using the /(forward slash) separator in VNX2, which translates into a sub category tag data system in WPG.
eg. I have many sets of old manual lenses that I like to keep track of. Could be added into EXIF using some exif altering tools(EXIFtoolGUI) can work OK. But I prefer tag data. SO I have a header called Lens then a separator(/) and then the lens name type. in VNX2 Lens/Amar 105mm f4.5 translates in WPG as Lens heading with the sub category of Amar 105mm f4.5. Don't use the forward slash for the aperture value(ie. f4.5 not f/4.5) otherwise it creates a sub category again with the value 4.5 in WPG(and by extension Windows Search).
If you note on the RHS in WPG, it allows face regognition. If you do people photography(which I don't!) this could be extrememly handy. Once it's learned various aspects of a persons face, adding that person as tagged data is made so much easier using WPG, instead of VNX2. It's not perfect, it recognises dolls, and all manner of weird stuff too(as in the screencap the spiral patter in the DPR sample image!) but easy to ignore as well .. so not bothersome.
I think I've now tagged 100% of my images of my kids using this feature .. which I think would have taken me two lifetimes!.
It's not all roses tho, and it does sometimes skips a beat or two. Usually VNX2 and WPG work well together, and once tagged searching is also fluent and easy in Windows Search. But Windows itself allows adding or editing of tagged data in the NEF file .. again remember this is due to the NEF codec! without it, none of this works.
For some odd reason tho, I cannot add or edit any D850 NEF directly via Windows. Right click the NEF, select properties and open the details tab. You see the tagged data in the images, and normally you click on it, it will highlight blue and allows you to add/remove/edit the keywords and or ratings(stars).
I can't get it to do so on the D850's, but no problem on D810s, or Z7 NEF files that I have in my test folder.
In saying that tho, I do have some issues on this PC(random rebooting/crashing... even at BIOS stage) I think it may be the Nvidia GPU .. not sure.. I'm very close to needing a freshen up anyhow after 7 or so years of bloating it to high heaven! So Will. I know it has nothing to do with the codec with respect to either VNX2(which reminder shouldn't be able to even display D850 NEF files!!) nor related to WPG and the codec. Also not vitally important to have as a feature, but as you add tag data to bulk images in day long sessions, an typo or two is bound to rear it's ugly head every now and then. The ability to edit in Windows Explorer is just a little bit handy.
Like Ann said, it's horrifying(actually worse! .. actually supremely stupid IMO) that Nikon offer the ability to add keywording, but then you can literally do nothing else with it!(other than it's added into a jpg version of the file).
So they assume that the jpg is actually more valuable or important than the NEF file for some reason!
If this is not one of the clearest definitions of stupid! .. I can't imagine what else could be.
Why it's so stupid is that they used to offer a better alternative in ViewNX2 where the keyword tags were saved in the file and then it just goes with the file everywhere the file goes .. and is searchable via whatever software that can do so.
In my case, adding that last tag in the D850 test file via VNX2, then opening Windows Photo Gallery it was immediately indexed into it's database store and I can search for it.
Having the tagged info in a useless sidecar file, that no other software can actually use?
I think I've wasted and bored you to exhaustion by now .. but I hope I explained to a reasonable degree.