I consider this as a Nikon Nikkor lens, I see no indication it should be fake. Do you have the serial number for Ronald?
The owner of this lens contacted me a few weeks ago wanting some information as he couldn't find it on my database. He owns a camera shop in Japan and said he bought it from one of his customers. I guess it was via the yahoo auction in August last year. The original owner had another copy so there are at least two in existence. There is no serial number on the lens - on a lens like this it would normally be engraved on the aperture ring.
The cosmetics and screw-drive AF are an exact match for the AF 80-200/2.8 D ED, the two-ring version which was released in 1997. It wouldn't have been made after the AF-S 28-70/2.8 ED-IF which was released in early 1999, so it was probably made in 1997 or 1998 at the latest.
The yahoo auction stated the lens had fungus although it was not obvious in the pictures, I encouraged the owner to have it serviced and suggested he send it to Ric. I'm glad to see it has been cleaned and fully restored