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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2021, 07:40:20 »
They do these:

Probably "much" brighter than the originals.
On a Hasselblad it was like "night and day".

Petr sheepeck Jůza

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2021, 09:31:07 »
................ With a Nikon D2H, DK-17M and 50/1.2 AIS at f/1.2 and 2m I found I was successful about 3 out of 4 tries .................

I have the same experience with D700 and 50/1.2 and 55/1.2 - that's why I almost always opted for shooting portraits in burst mode as I was mostly shooting portraits outside in the streets.

Petr sheepeck Jůza

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2021, 14:34:39 »
Surprizing findings - why I had a problem with focusing.
There was -2 diopter correction eyepiece.  :-D
Now I need just normal rubber eyecup.  :-)

David H. Hartman

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2021, 00:16:22 »
They do these:

Probably "much" brighter than the originals.
On a Hasselblad it was like "night and day".

Years ago I was at a cousin's daughter's wedding. The official photographer showed signs of hostility so I would take a few photos and move off quickly. The official photographer complained for all to hear that she could not focus her camera! Her camera was a Hasselblad 500CM or 503CM with an NC-2 prism. The setting was a reception in a park and it was night. My camera was a Nikon F4s with a AF 60/2.8 Micro-Nikkor. I was using an Nikon SB-800 Speedlight. I could focus in near total darkness with the SB-800's AF assist. If I could see the subject paint the subject with the AF assist the F4s could focus. 

A trick I've used to focus in total darkness is to use a Mini Mag flashlight with a tiny bare halogen bulb. I wanted to help but didn't dare offer. Once I cammed a Linhof Technika and 150mm Nikkor-W and Mini Mag Flashlight.

Later I replaced the focus screen in my 500CM and had a custom eyepiece with astigmatism correction made. What a difference! A photographer should always have the best equipment for such a shoot.

I got a few good shots. Here is one of the bride clowning...

Charlie and Lori Wedding: Carriage Clowning by Dave Hartman

Today's photographers have it so good when shooting modern AF cameras like the Nilon D6, D850, Z6 II, Z7 II and others!
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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2021, 01:26:13 »
Back on topic...

Has anyone found a 1.2x to 1.35x prism eyepiece that fits the Nikon F2 (all prism finders) and the Nikon F3 (DE-2 prism)?

Has anyone found a 1.2x to 1.35x prism eyepiece that fits a Nikon F3HP (DE-3) and later as the D850 that offers more eye relief than the discontinued DK-17M so one who wears glasses might shoot through their glasses and see the full frame?

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2021, 07:17:07 »
Back on topic...

Has anyone found a 1.2x to 1.35x prism eyepiece that fits the Nikon F2 (all prism finders) and the Nikon F3 (DE-2 prism)?

Has anyone found a 1.2x to 1.35x prism eyepiece that fits a Nikon F3HP (DE-3) and later as the D850 that offers more eye relief than the discontinued DK-17M so one who wears glasses might shoot through their glasses and see the full frame?


I saw this mentioned here. I have one on order ...

The DK-17m can still be found on Alibaba, but at a price!!

It drives me crazy that such a simple and useful thing was discontinued. It's small things like this that makes me lose confidence in Nikon. The market knows how valuable this eyepiece is. You can track the selling price over history on ebay, and Japan Yahoo auctions and Mercari. It's bonkers how a tiny bit of glass can command ¥8,000+ Grrrrrrr.....
Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo


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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2021, 07:23:49 »
Surprizing findings - why I had a problem with focusing.
There was -2 diopter correction eyepiece.  :-D
Now I need just normal rubber eyecup.  :-)

I love hearing stories like that :-) Over 50% of my issues (photography and otherwise ) were down to human error.

I have even been known to fall over as a result of wearing reading glasses outside in the real world.
Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo

Øivind Tøien

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2021, 11:17:18 »

The DK-17m can still be found on Alibaba, but at a price!!

It drives me crazy that such a simple and useful thing was discontinued. It's small things like this that makes me lose confidence in Nikon. The market knows how valuable this eyepiece is. You can track the selling price over history on ebay, and Japan Yahoo auctions and Mercari. It's bonkers how a tiny bit of glass can command ¥8,000+ Grrrrrrr.....

The DK-17M is a tough piece of glass. I have described here before (  how I lost mine on the tundra in northern Alaska during field work. The next year one of our Ph.D. students spotted it way off from the location I had been, only the rubber eyecup attached to it chewed on, likely by Arctic ground squirrels. (It was not just by chance that she was the one who found it, she has an eye for it and has found several other small lost items for us on the tundra.)  I just washed the silt off it and found it was fully functional.  It is still one of two DK17M I have in use - likely the one I adapted to D7100, but not quite sure, it could also be the one on my D500.

[Edit: link to old post added]
Øivind Tøien


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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2021, 13:34:15 »
my main issue with the DK-17M is it doesn't work right for eyeglass wearers :o :o :o magnification is too-wide ::)

David H. Hartman

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2021, 18:40:26 »
my main issue with the DK-17M is it doesn't work right for eyeglass wearers :o :o :o magnification is too-wide ::)

The problem may be in part facial structure. I've known people who had more problems using a Nikon FE2 with glasses than I had which was minimal. The FE2 had a eyepiece magnification of 0.86x with a 50mm lens focused to infinity. The FM3a (FE3) had a viewfinder magnification of 0.83x which gave it better eye point for many users without reducing focusing ease noticeably.

I'm probably repeating myself but I could use the DK-17M with my D2H, see the complete frame and data while wearing glasses. That gave me a 1.0x viewfinder magnification with 50mm lens focused at infinity. That made the D2H quite suitable for use with manual focus lenses although I had major issues with the D2H regarding dynamic range and color balance issues. I have not been able to use the DK-17M with my D800 and D850 with bifocal or reading glasses. Although I can see the complete frame and data without glasses then I am unable to use the rear LCD monitor. I could not use the similar Nikon DK-21M eyepiece magnifier with my D300s.

Clearly Nikon is aware of the eye point or eye relief issues of eye glass wearers or they would never have made the Nikon F3HP (DE-3). I wish Nikon would make a 1.2x eye piece magnifier using Fresnel elements that was designed specifically for eye glass users. I'm quite sure such and eyepiece magnifier is possible.

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2021, 18:52:00 »
*** Does anyone use Granny Glasses (half readers) with a Nikon FX DSLR? ***

I've been thinking since this discussion about "granny glasses." I wonder if I could use my D850 together with the DK-17M if I could bring the camera close to my face with the DK-17M above the granny glasses then when I drop the camera to my chest I could view the rear monitor though the granny glasses. If this worked I could use the DK-17M with my D850.

I can't remember seeing granny glasses for sale in the stores I frequent. I think I'll start looking on line for them.

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2021, 20:47:09 »
Do these count as granny glasses? If so, I used to wear them back in the day.

(A gold star for anyone who recognizes this photo :-) )

Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo

David H. Hartman

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2021, 22:07:16 »
What I call granny glasses are half glasses with a diopter for reading in the lower half. The top half is omitted, not there. The wearer looks over the lower half to see clearly at distance. These glasses are for people who only need correction for close vision.
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Petr sheepeck Jůza

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Re: F2 and magnifying eyepiece
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2021, 18:57:35 »
I love hearing stories like that :-) .........

Yes, quite amusing.  :-)
Nevertheless - I might also exchange the focusing screen. I installed G2 version which I prefer over my previous E (not B as I thought) and then I was able to try also my friend's F2 with K screen. I think the K is great. Now we switched screens so I have the K for about week or two to test.  :-)