Here is one for you experts:
The literature on this lens says it is sharpest 1:1 at f/22. Well, I did not shoot at 1:1 and seldom do. I shot the following three images.
I shot stacked images at:
f/16 (4 images Stacked)
f/22 (4images Stacked)
f/9 (106 images Stacked)
F/16 was sharper than f/22…and f/9 (stacked was much sharper than either f/16 and f/22.
All stacked. The f/16 and f/22 were what I call a short stack, an image taken of each of the four main flowers. The image marked “Stacked” was 106 images stacked.
There is nowill hav question that the stacked image (106 layers) at f/9 is sharper that the 4-stacked images and f/16 and f/22.
And so, my question is that if I am not going to shoot at 1:1, there is no point in not using the lens wide open (or nearly so), correct?
Images as from camera, not adjustments mace Nikon Z7
You will have to read the label under each image.