My wife got one of those some years ago and we still bring it out from time to time, though I find the 200-500 zoom more practical most of the time.
This one, though used from KEH, had all the stuff with it, including the instructions (multi-lingual sheet, could scan language of choice if need be). In the Using Filters section, it reads: "Always use a filter with the lens. The slip-in glass filter holder comes mounted with a Nikon L37C filter. A slip-in gelatine filter holder is also supplied with the lens" In the listing of accessories, the TC-14B and TC-301 are listed as the preferred teleconverters, and for other filters, it just says "other 39 mm screw-in filters." The filter does screw into the holder.
I've never tried this without the filter, but it sure works well with it.
e.t.a. there is no part number on the filter holders, and no mention of part numbers in the instructions. But I really doubt whether the filter is optically vital, because neither holder has a direction of installation, and the gelatin filter is plainly asymmetrical. If you have a piece of filter gelatin, I'd try it with and without, and see how it compares when pixel peeping.