Last instalment in the Duckweed Flower Series for now.
This is the female (pistillate) flower of the Fat Duckweed Lemna gibba. Its truly minuscule size, merely 200 µm (about 2 hairs combined in thickness) necessitated running my Multiphot extended to the maximum 30X magnification using 19mm f/2.8 Macro-Nikkor and the Z7.
Finding the tiny flower in my culture was one thing, locating it and focusing on it under such high magnification another story. Suffice it to say I afterwards constructed an XY(Z) table for the Multiphot, Z-axis being automated by a Stackshot rail, to make further photomacrographs easier to accomplish. I also ordered a Mitutoyo 20X infinity-corrected objective as I think this might be an optically better approach.
She's Waiting for You