Author Topic: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison  (Read 10644 times)


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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2019, 12:36:16 »
Aguinaldo, I hope you don't halt sharing your tests.  Others are just pointing out that the test shared here isn't effective.

You said you were testing grain and sharpness.  Comparing grain would require the same exposure settings, different lenses are fine.  Comparing sharpness would require the same lens and aperture, same exposure settings is ideal but not critical.  You had both different lenses and exposures, so while you can certainly draw insights on either, comparisons will require extrapolation of insights, which is precisely what one doesn't want to have to do with test results.

That being said, D5 and Z6 is quite the pair of bodies, must be a true joy!

Tristin, I'm doing several tests to make a decision about moving to mirrorless or not.
Of course just one bit of information is not sufficient for that.
That 's what I think about this test. Maybe all the critiques about it are right.
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but I have not seen any tests here to compare a DSLR and a Z camera.
This episode upsets me because reminds me of a guy who rang my mother's house bell to ask for food.
She prepared a plate for him and after he recieved it, he throwed it all away saying he didn't like that kind of food. He didn't have anything! And throwed it all away!
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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2019, 13:55:01 »
Wow, that's very harsh. Sorry if my comment came anywere close by that or even remind you of it. Please, think about keeping on sharing your findings as they are interesting. All suggestions were made in good faith


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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2019, 12:17:54 »
I apologize for the harsh words.
There is a principle that is not to write anything when we are upset, and I am because of some stress in my personal life.
I need to take a break.
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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2019, 16:08:01 »
I meant that the story about the food was harsh. But maybe I´ll stop too because...well, I´m not really helping at all  :)

   Sorry about your stress and I hope you can find some balance soon.

Thomas Stellwag

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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2019, 20:29:46 »
coming along the stressless line  :) and thanks for starting this topic

I do not own a Z camera, but have read in several forae, that the electronic compensation for Z lenses is much more "advanced" than for F lenes. If this is true a NEF on Z is more compiled than a NEF on F...going the Sony (sunny) way. This will for sure be the future, but makes those comparisons difficult. At least one can expect, the old system looking worse than it is. Nikon F is better in noise reduction than the other cams I personally know, it is probaly an even better algorithm in the Z bodies.
Please keep on sharing your experiences with us, maybe with manual focus lenses as well.
Thomas Stellwag


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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2019, 20:40:28 »
No worries Aguinaldo, internet communications are notoriously ripe for misinterpretation and miscommunication, which is why emojis and liberal use of exclamations is so widespread on the internet.  I'm sure none of the NG people meant anything disparaging, I certainly did not.  ;)

Jack Dahlgren

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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2019, 20:38:36 »
coming along the stressless line  :) and thanks for starting this topic

I do not own a Z camera, but have read in several forae, that the electronic compensation for Z lenses is much more "advanced" than for F lenes. If this is true a NEF on Z is more compiled than a NEF on F...going the Sony (sunny) way. This will for sure be the future, but makes those comparisons difficult. At least one can expect, the old system looking worse than it is. Nikon F is better in noise reduction than the other cams I personally know, it is probaly an even better algorithm in the Z bodies.
Please keep on sharing your experiences with us, maybe with manual focus lenses as well.

It is true that Z cameras and their lenses are developed as a system. This approach allows the camera to know and compensate for the the characteristics of the lenses, enhancing the results. Of course we will continue to see the camera engage in more and more image processing (fusing multiple images, going beyond the resolution of the lens, denoising etc. ) as time goes on. This sort of computational photography means the image quality is a product of the whole system rather than just good optical path. Of course most people already know this as they process images on a computer or their phone, but we may not have noticed that much as change comes bit by bit (or byte if you wish)

Stany Buyle

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Re: D5 x Z6 - ISO 10000 comparison
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2019, 10:27:03 »
If you want to "compare" two camera for noise or whatever, ALL parameters should be exactly the same, als the used lens.
Kindest regards,