I appreciate that you put up your comparison shots and will look at any thing you would care to publish here. If I criticize or offer suggestions of improvements to the comparison, it is because I want you to get the greatest possible amount of useful information from your testing/comparison efforts.
Thank you for that Keith, a constructive critique is always appreciated.
It happens that I'm a photographer, not a scientist, and prefer to stay like that. lol
I just would like people to see the tests I used to publish here as somewhat useful information, as scarce as it may be.
Anyway, I have lots of equipment and spent some hours doing it, and shared it in good will.
From now on I decided to publish only my photographs.
I'd like to see good comparative tests here.
BTW, I'll continue to compare the Z6 and the D5. I think mirrorless are my future cameras. I liked what I saw in this test.