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July 29Alcea 'Parkallee'Df, 135mm f/2 K
wonderful. I look forward to how my little garden might have developed in my abcence
Thank you, Frank, still warm and dry here, the soil's dry as a bone.
Vinschgauer Gewürzfladen withCardamon, Anis, Kümmel, Salt, Pepper...
Google Translate says Vinschgauer Gewürzfladen means "Vinschgau seasoning pancakes," which obviously leaves out a lot. It looks like it might be delicious Frank, but can you give me a better idea of what you were making?
my soil is wet and is covered with mulch through which grass and leafy greens pushed through, so: water is not easily lost. The other gardens are yellow brownish hrey, mine is green. Only the experimental part which I did not mow is a tad on the unerrect side
Butterflies everywhere. More of today in the Butterfly theme
Silent conversation. Interesting day today of shooting fotos and video with a very talented friend. d750, 58mm 1.4
Ample garden compost on a yearly basis but the sandy soil and severe drought the last few years are hard to keep up with.