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Hardly any butterflies here, less each year actually, although i spotted a swallowtail the other year but didnt return so no image taken.We will wait for the asters to flower
July 30Pontederia cordataDf, 135mm f/2 K
ground spices, seeds and roots with salt and pepper made into a mix of special taste and smell. Then I prepare a dough of 100% fullgrain rye flour, Yeast and water into a perfectly smooth lump. I pick breadroll size pieces from the dough and make flat US pancake size things of it. Into the very hot oven and a few minutes baking on both sides. Best on the second day when the spices have soaked in completely if you manage not to eat the tempting treat on day one
The fair is nearly gone. Tons of 'garbage' now visible...
Portrait with depth. D750, 58mm 1.4
Zirbelbrot with Olives
I'll be right over.
Without Carb?