"Nice hardware might make shooting more pleasant, or motivate you to get out and use it: but ultimately you still have to make the image."
also see this essay https://blog.mingthein.com/2019/02/21/bigger-isnt-always-better/
Last weekend I photographed a rowing regatta. I shot in the same location last year. And there was another photographer at the same event who is also posting their photos. Compared to last year and the other photographer it is clear that equipment makes a difference in what is captured and the results of those captures. It is easy for Ming to say “equipment doesn’t matter” but that is only half true, and always has been for more than 100 years of photography.
Less often it is stated (because people like to talk about extremes) that photography is the creative use of technology in service of art and communication. So technology does matter. And it is the creative choice of technology from an array which is tremendously large and varied which is the job of the photographer. Constraints can generate focus and creativity just as they can limit it. Capabilities can expand and delight or just baffle us with too many choices, ironically leaving many to stick with defaults.
I don’t feel a need for the new Noct in my work. That is a corner of space I’m not present in, though I’d love to see the results that Birna and others will bring back with it.