Thanks for the recommendation on the Nikon Coolscan, I want to use models that are USB 2.0, which I think the Coolscan IV and V are, not sure on other models yet. The only concerned is if I need a repair done on one of these things, how hard is it to come across parts? What's the reliability like?
I also definitely would like to know about Minolta, I don't know anything about them and am interested, what models would I be looking to go for with these?
AFAIK, Minolta is a crap shoot at this point, WRT scanners. Sony has the reigns now, and while I did hear that they were doing some things with some models, they no longer produce them. Even that was some time ago, so I don't know how likely it is that they could be relied on for service or repair any longer.
Minolta made very good scanners, and they enjoyed good reliability, but that was many years ago, and I have not looked into current parts availability. My suggestion is to inquire at Sony. I'm not sure what is happening with Nikon parts, service, and repair of scanners either. That's old technology now that digital bodies rule the roost, thus not supported as it was.
Good luck.
The alternative is to choose a reliable lab to process and scan your film going forward. That is not going to be the least expensive way, but, it is the way to get good IQ scans.