This seems to be an early oscillo lens in a shutter. I know of several other versions of the lens, including a Raptar and Oscillo-Raptar, but this appears to be the first version. I heard somewhere that after seeing this lens Wollie was asked to produce lenses specifically for recording off CRT screens. The Anastigmats predated the Raptars and Amatons, AFAIK, and definitely had less field curavature than the Raptars particuarly (engineered to keep the image sharp across a curved CRT screen). It has pretty wild bokeh, just to my taste, of course. Interestingly, as one moves from f1.5 to f2.0 the spherical aberration glow not only decreases markedly, but the bokeh itself becomes swirly. Have a look at some first tries on a Sony A7RII. Check out #s 3&4 and 5&6 to see how the bokeh changes between f1.5 and f2.0