I spent a bleak and soaking wet November days shooting the new 35/1.8 Nikkor S-line on my Z7. I do not like some of the handling details of this, or the other S-line designs, as the casing is pretty slick and tend to offer too little firm grip when lenses are changed. Nikon could do well to look back (in anger) at the [chrome] mounting rings of the older Nikkors, which in this respect were far superior.
I shot only in AF modes) whilst trying to come to grips with all the new AF modes this camera has to offer. Suffice it to say that towards the day I still struggled although AF results started to get closer to my intended outcome. I probably have yo yield and read the manual. Sigh.
Also found out while the idea of using the rear screen not only for monitoring but draw on its touch-screen capability to focus and take a picture by point-and-tap sounded great, the introduced movement of the camera and lowering of image quality was quite evident.
AF focusing was very quick at daytime with the 35 lens when I got everything right, however as darkness descended the focusing became noticeably slower.
The new 35/1.8 Nikkor is a very good performer of anyone should doubt this. Here is a snapshot of Mari, one of the nice shop hands of Interfoto, my main photo gear dealer. This impromptu image was taken with the 35/1.8 at f/3.5, 1/25 sec, ISO 800, and basically coming straight off the camera. White balance is auto from the camera, no later change. For a wide-angle, this is really good performance in my book. The bad lighting and the slow shutter speed are not conducive to top image quality I'd surmise.