Fair price for a near-mint copy, as far as I can judge; my purchase, 18 months ago, was not that advantageous.
Many readers already know it is one of my favourite lenses, the focal length being one of the reasons (those additional eight millimeters make it more useable for portraits). Another one is the weight, size and handling, esp. on Df, but also on D800. Yet another one is bokeh at relatively wide, commonly used apertures (f/2-f/4), where it easily beats the other Nikkor fifties and the Voigt 58/1.4.
That's maybe the only Nikkor with a usable f/1.4 aperture, if you need it. I found it more versatile than most reviewers; the only issue I have is barrel distortion, which may need correction on architectural shots, or similar. This is where the 50/1.8 Ai or Zeiss 50/2 shines. But it is regular barrel distortion, so no real issue.
Today, it is once again my lens-to-go (50% of the time), and the only one in my bag. Some night shots and street photography ahead.
So, eager to see more of your pics.