Hi Carl, During the creation of my 'Pano Head with a Difference' I bought various Arca style clamps and bases, until now I have stuck with Manfrotto CS2 clamps because they are very quick and easy to assemble one handed if needs be. However I can see some benefits from the Arca style clamps, it seems I may have to run the two side by side...
However, as I do,
I dismantled some of these clamps to modify them, I ran into problems because some of the clamps use a twin start thread, you can't tell from the outside unless you know what you are looking for. The pitch angle is double that of the single pitch, so for one turn of the screw, it travels 2mm. instead of 1mm., the threads are 6mm diameter, 1mm. pitch is standard.
I feel although the double thread is faster, the clamping force is at best halved. Also the faster, double thread could be susceptible to working loose in use due to wriggling in the clamp.
Identifying makes may not help because there are so many out there. I doubt if many people realise there are the two types, all I can do is raise your and others awareness of the differences. With mail order in the UK you can return goods easily if you don't like them for whatever reason. One of the single start clamps is marked Andoer, I machined off the makers mark on the twin start clamp during my mods, so I don't know the make of that one.
I don't know if the 'better' makes use twin start screws or not, some may. Easy way to tell is to turn the screw one turn and check if the clamp moves 1mm it's single start and if it moves 2mm. it's twin start.
I agree about the cam lever clamp not being ideal, especially after some time you may accumulate various different makes of clamp, all slightly different, requiring adjustment when mounting different combinations of clamp and plate.