Thanks for the comments!
Night out shots from Copenhagen must wait
Here are the first image in the series I shot of the church with the castle in the back ground, before I started to include the leaves for foreground.
Shot at 1.4 on D3X...
No PP at all, no CA correction or the like, except a normal sharpening
First the whole image resized
Center of the frame at 100%
then the far sides of the frame at 100% on the left the floaters for the regatta are clearly defined all the way to the edge not much else to add, it's a impressive capture wide open, sore the Zeiss Othus is capable of surpassing this lens in numbers, but does it add anything...
Very pleasing rendering IMHO!
Obviously there is no issue at all with field curvature in this capture, on close to the near focus limit there is a nice curved convex field curvature very similar to the old Noct Nikkor!
Up really close on a small extension tube the image breaks up slightly in the corners and at the edge of the frame but it does so in a very nice transition.
I tend to shoot wide open or stopped down to f/5.6 for a nice dof over the image plane.
If you need corner to corner flat field close up and medium distances the by all means go with the Micro Nikkor 60mm AFS f/2.8 it's a tool made for it
also with very nice background rendering.