I wonder how the weather resistance holds up over time? My D300s and D800 are both weather sealed. I don't allow an accumulation of water on the camera so I don't go out in the rain with a naked camera such as these. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Dave Hartman
One of the first things I did with my new Nikkormat FTn was make a raincoat out of a bread bag and take some night shots looking from Glendale over Burbank and the valley in that direction.
I put the bread bag, thin clear plastic, over the camera with space for my hands. Screwed the filter and eyepiece on. Took them off and cut with small, sharp sewing scissors holes, then carefully screw the filter and eyepiece back on. The weather was a moderate mist. The moisture built up and rolled of the bag. Getting my hands dry to handle the camera was the main problem. When I finished and walk away one leg of the tripod stayed, stuck in the mud. It was a low end tripod that had been given to me.