Author Topic: Water sealing test of four higher-end models: D850 wins but with some caveat  (Read 5315 times)


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You're welcome Akira! I should also point out that I use gorilla tape if I have doubts about the weather sealing on specific areas of the camera. Usually I cover the hotshoe and the viewfinder of the Df to prevent water from entering that route and to avoid light entering and mess up the exposure. I don't know if that is a "real" problem, but its an simple way to avoid a "myth" as well :)


  • Homo jezoensis
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From their own environmental tests Nikon should know about the leak of the water in the viewfinder eyepiece when exposed to rain without hotshoe cover.

So we now know why both D500 and D850 come without hotshoe covers, extreme form of penny pinching...  >:(

I would agree.  I wonder how Nikon could call it "weather sealed" when the camera allows such a significant leakage, even with a bit extreme test?  At least there was no leakage at other places.  It is hard to imagine that the hotshoe is the Achilles' heel.

You're welcome Akira! I should also point out that I use gorilla tape if I have doubts about the weather sealing on specific areas of the camera. Usually I cover the hotshoe and the viewfinder of the Df to prevent water from entering that route and to avoid light entering and mess up the exposure. I don't know if that is a "real" problem, but its an simple way to avoid a "myth" as well :)

I also find that the covering of the eyepiece of DSLR is a necessity.  The uncovered eyepiece mostly leads to the wrong exposure.  I wear glasses and have found that even the gab between the eyepiece and my face sometimes cause the exposure error.   :o :o :o
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For yachting photography, I'm using a plastic bag, and by sliding the viewfinder attachment over a hole in the plastic bag, I drilled myself.
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  • Homo jezoensis
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  • Tokyo, Japan
Nice idea, Christian.  The dedicated eyepiece can provide perfect fit.
"The eye is blind if the mind is absent." - Confucius

"Limitation is inspiration." - Akira