I looked at the Go-Pro video and was horrified at my personal appearance... Looked like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards!
So, I have just taken some screen shots of the lathe setup for now, next time I will have my self tidied up before I stand in front of camera!

My friend Sid is the smart one. The yellow contraption in the top left hand corner is an English Wheel I made to form double curves in aluminium bodywork, Sid has been using it to repair the bodywork of the racer with the blue chassis/frame on the left.
Sid drove the gearbox of the lathe while I operated cutting controls. This was the first time I had used this lathe, and we wanted to be able to stop it immediately if the disk showed signs of leaving it's position!
Grabbing a final sip of tea before getting started...

Roughing the edge.

Going nicely, relaxing a bit with nice swarf rolling off the tool.

The Go-Pro ran out of battery after nearly two hours so didn't record it all. I had only really intended to check the lump would fit in the lathe and be workable.
Sorry about the scruffy dishevelled appearance, not used to being filmed at close quarters!
The Arca Swiss nodal slides have finally arrived from eBay, very impressed. At least I have something to match up to now.