Handsome man. Seems to rest in himself. Has the right amount of contour.
1: light tinting a tad off? Sweater not matching his figure. Wrinkles in sweater disadvantageous. Uninspriring.
2: this picture stands out. Suits his intention (being a modelling bodybuilder) and yours (teach him to act photogenic) well. Good connection. Also could sell the shirt or ..
3. .. the watch. Great facial expression.
I'm not so much into peoples photos, but aren't these a bit stereotypic?
Probably may help to develop the role, but once settled i'd start something more diverse. I think he's offering that.
Well, I drifted into some level of critique. If that wasn't your intention just let me know and I'll take it out.
1. Lighting tint was intentional post processing.
2. Thanks. This was his first time in front of a photographers lens outside of selfie-ville. Believe it or not, bodybuilders can be quite the introverted bunch. Yes, they may not be inspiring images to us as photographers, but to him and his first experience he quite liked them.
Are these stereotypical? Well, yes and they were meant to be. I'm not about "shock and awe" with the model, especially if they have zero experience. I went stereotypical right now so that he has some frame of reference of his shots against some others. Nothing too jarring at first. Also, this was just head shots and some exposure time. There was no expectation of trying to "sell anything" from a commercial perspective. Again...I wanted to reduce stress.
We planned on a few more sessions before really getting into something more substantial. We have done that and he has a higher level of confidence. We have a shoot tonight to cover some product shots as well as fitness and bodybuilding shots.
My experience on the photo forums with fitness/bodybuilding shots is that I get quite a bit of backlash, so I stopped sharing them outside of the bodybuilding community. I just do not want to have to defend myself, the models or the sports they represent in that way.
When we get into more commercial type shoots, I may share those. Not sure when that will be as after today he has quite a few events that will cover the next 4 months.