Maybe the rest of the front part of the plate work as counter weight to cancel the weight of the camera? But isn't there any possible flare caused by the reflection of the sunlight from the plate? I wonder if the reflection is ignorable enough because of the extremely dense ND filter to shoot the sun?
Here's his response your questions, Bruno and Akira:
"This is correct - I left the extra length at the front for 2 reasons -
1) With no extra length, the C.O.G. is pretty much right under the existing tripod mount on the 80-400mm lens. I need to move the C.O.G. forward to have a place to drill the holes for the tracker mount.
2) I wanted the entire assembly to be as massive as practical, to give the whole system extra damping.
In practice, I will be using the lens hood on the 80-400mm lens, and the front of the mount is out of it’s field of view, so I’m not too worried about reflections (I did move the chunk of iron counterweight to the back, in an over-abundance of caution). But, one can’t be too careful, so I’ll hit it with some matte black spray paint later today…"