Akira, if you have friends in repair shop, ask them to open AFD or AF 20mm lens from the front side. (Be absolutely sure, that your lens IS NOT DECENTERED! In this case, do not even try!). They have a special pipe-key gears to perform that. Then, there is the special aluminum ring inside, by turning one left or right, not more than 1mm each step, you will find the optimal position to get an critical sharpness to extreme corners, at f4.0 - 5.6. It is extreme time-consuming operation, of course. Try 1mm, left. Put everything back, check. Better? Try 1mm more. Better? One step more. Too much? Back 1mm, you are done. Or turn that aluminum ring to the right, the same operation. Perform it with the distance ring at infinity! At the first try, it gonna take you about 3 days. With some experience with this lens, next time gonna take 2-3 hours, not more. (BTW, you need to perform the same operation to clean the aperture, if needed. Never ever open this lens from the mounting back side!). Do not know about Ais lens, have never touched one to fix. Good luck in any case! LZ