Keith, during my last few years shooting film I used B&W 90 % of the time. With digital I was pretty much with you but recently have started going back to B&W as the option I am shooting for. Living in Colourful India, I always do both. I always preferred B&W for photojournalism in Southeast Asia and most publications were not printing colour often. Never made Life Magazine anyway
Sherman, great subject matter. I am not really seeing high contrast, looks pretty muted to me. I'm still working on custom B&W settings for the Pen F but use jpeg and Raw now until I become satisfied with OOC B&W. Most people want to see my colour images but slowly swinging towards the B&W . My audience for sports always wants vivid colour but a couple of Pro Athletes have started using my B&W images for their promo and Facebook images so the youngsters think it is cool
I still prefer CNX2 U-point selective tools. I like the Black and white Points also.
The penultimate image (chin on hand, is my favourite,