Author Topic: "FX" format: Nikon pushed down by Sony  (Read 15140 times)


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Re: "FX" format: Nikon pushed down by Sony
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2017, 00:21:24 »
I am an NPS member and I am not happy with the service that Nikon provides in The Netherlands. Not to mention how disappointed I was last year at Photokina when I realised that they weren't offering the customary cleaning of gear. And, finally in the past I used to receive invitations for cleaning of gear in the neighborhood where I live and that has seized to exist.
I guess it differs from country to country...

When tightening of the belt occurs, service is usually the first casualty. Service costs money, and if those in charge think that they can get away with doing less of it in a shrinking market, then that is exactly what you can expect.